XL-SHOW AUTOMATED DISPLAY """"""""""""""""""""""""" To prepare your own newsletter, bulletin or "notice" type your text into one of the pre-prepared DET files. This is a file whose name ends with the extension DET. This package contains more than a dozen pairs of files with the exten- sions DEB and DET; each pair is called a DEB/DET module. A DEB/DET module is always needed in order for XL-SHOW to display a file. Choose whichever DEB/DET module you want to use, and load its DET file into your text editor or word processor. If you choose a file which has Rexxcom jumbo fonts or clip-art, such as PLAIN.DET or SPECIAL.DET, avoid having your word processing program "convert" the file into the special format used by the word processor. You want to be able to maintain a pure ASCII text file (often called a DOS text file). Some word processing programs ask if you want to "convert" the file when you are loading it into the program. Others accept the file "as is" and perform the conversion when the file is saved, at which time you must be sure to save it as an ASCII or DOS text file. Follow these steps: A. Load the DET file into a word processor or text editor. B. Note that the very first line is coded with 7 numbers. This is the DET code and it must not be changed except as indicated in the following pages. C. Delete the information text which begins on the line following the DET code, and set your word processor or text editor to the width shown by the 2nd number in the DET code. For example, if the 2nd number is 78 set your line length to 78 characters. This is the same as a word-wrap of 79. D. Begin typing on line 2, leaving the top line, with its DET code, untouched. E. After typing your text, save the file under its original name, being sure to save it as an ASCII or DOS text file. Refer to your word processor's manual for information on this. If you use the word processor's "default save" the resulting DET file will not be usable. If you use a text editor, rather than a word processor, the default save should be an ASCII file. Do not worry about "using up" your DET files. They may be used over and over, and the text may be revised or replaced. If you like, rename them or, better yet, make copies with new names. For example, if you have a DEB/DET set named DIGITAL.DEB and DIGITAL.DET and you want to maintain the original text while making a new set with a new text, this is easy to do. At your DOS prompt type: COPY DIGITAL.DE? NEWNAME.DE? [Enter] In a moment you will have two new files on your disk, named NEWNAME.DEB and NEWNAME.DET. Delete the text from NEWNAME.DET and type in your new text and your job is done! JUMBO FONTS FOR TITLES AND HEADLINES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Titles and headings using professional jumbo fonts are easily created with Rexxcom's program AUTOFONT.EXE. Examples of these fonts are found throughout the demo. We used AutoFont to make the jumbo words DIGITALINK, PLAIN VANILLA, BULLETIN, 3D VIEWS, SPECIAL, and DAILY WORD. You may order the program when - 2 - you register XL-SHOW. Once you have AutoFont, run the program and press "4" to use four font styles. When the list of fonts appears, select G1, G2, G4 and G5. When the text-entry screen appears, type two short words, one in caps and one in lowercase like this: GREAT fonts. Press Enter and then as soon as the two words appear in jumbo fonts, press F followed by S, and Enter. This will load SMOOTHY.COM. Review the appearance of each of the four styles by pressing keys for numbers 1 through 4. After you save one or more titles, they will be in a file named AF.TXT on your disk. Use your word-processor or text editor to block move (often called "cut and paste") your titles into your text file. Remember, the fonts in the titles will not have the proper appearance until one of the SMOOTHY programs is loaded (see below). THE BATCH FILE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The best way to run your XL-SHOW "show" is with a batch file. As you know, the demo is run with the batch file named GO.BAT. YOUR batch file will be similar, so let's look at GO.BAT: echo off smoothy6 xl-show digital 3d bulletin plain notice payper notice2 corn special read? word smoothol xl-show word2 smoothy7 xl-show info ega vga Write your own batch file in your word processor or text editor, being sure to save it as an ASCII file (DOS text file). Give it any name you like, so long as it has the file extension "BAT." You might name it RUN.BAT. Always begin with "echo off" to prevent the commands from appearing on-screen between steps. Recent versions of DOS allow the use of "@ echo off" but earlier versions of DOS do not recognize the @ symbol. Therefore, if your batch file may be run with an older version of DOS, use "echo off" as it appears above in GO.BAT. The line which reads "smoothy6" loads SMOOTHY6.COM into your computer's memory. This permits the use of the jumbo fonts. The line which begins with the word "xl-show" loads XL-SHOW.EXE and tells the program the names of your DEB/DET modules. List the files you have created, in the desired order of appearance. After that you will normally end your batch file with the last two lines of GO.BAT. The commands "ega" and "vga" run our special programs EGA.COM and VGA.COM. These restore your system's default font and video mode after the XL-SHOW display has been turned off. In GO.BAT, we used "smoothol" to run SMOOTHOL.COM for the Old English screen which was displayed with the line reading "xl-show word2". Then we used "smoothy7" to run SMOOTHY7.COM for the Chunky font used in our display's final message. You have these available, should you want to play around with them or use them in your own display. For a little fun, try the following experiment. 1. Type: SMOOTHY7 + Enter, or SMOOTHOL + Enter. 2. Type: XL-SHOW DIGITAL 3D BULLETIN PLAIN CORN SPECIAL READ1 WORD + Enter - 3 - After you try this, if you have an EGA system type EGA + Enter. If you have a VGA or SVGA system type VGA + Enter. This gives you back your system's default font, and it will assure that your video mode is properly set. RESETTING DET CODE FOR COLORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To change the overall text color or the background color of the text portion, change the 5th number of the DET code to a number in one of the charts below. If you change the background color, the right and left margins will remain the original color since that color is produced by the DEB. This may be overcome if you want, by changing the 2nd DET-code number to 80, giving you a full 80-column width for the DET. If the 6th number of the DET code is 0 the background color is not "high intensity" and you should use the following chart to change the 5th number: BACKGROUND COLORS (regular) Blk Blu Grn Cya Red Mag Brn Gry +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---+ Black | 0 |16 |32 |48 |64 |80 | 96 |112| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Blue | 1 |17 |33 |49 |65 |81 | 97 |113| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Green | 2 |18 |34 |50 |66 |82 | 98 |114| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Cyan | 3 |19 |35 |51 |67 |83 | 99 |115| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Red | 4 |20 |36 |52 |68 |84 |100 |116| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Magenta | 5 |21 |37 |53 |69 |85 |101 |117| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Brown | 6 |22 |38 |54 |70 |86 |102 |118| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| TEXT Lt Gray | 7 |23 |39 |55 |71 |87 |103 |119| COLORS |---|---|---|---|---|---|----|---| Dk Gray | 8 |24 |40 |56 |72 |88 |104 |120| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Lt Blue | 9 |25 |41 |57 |73 |89 |105 |121| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Lt Green|10 |26 |42 |58 |74 |90 |106 |122| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Lt Cyan |11 |27 |43 |59 |75 |91 |107 |123| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Lt Red |12 |28 |44 |60 |76 |92 |108 |124| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Lt Magen|13 |29 |45 |61 |77 |93 |109 |125| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| Yellow |14 |30 |46 |62 |78 |94 |110 |126| +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---| White |15 |31 |47 |63 |79 |95 |111 |127| +--------------------------------+ - 4 - If the 6th number of the DET code is 1, then the background color is "high intensity" and you should use the following chart to change the 5th number: BACKGROUND COLORS (high intensity) Gray Blue Grn Cyan Red Mag Yel White +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ Black | 128 | 144 | 160 | 176 | 192 | 208 | 224 | 240 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Blue | 129 | 145 | 161 | 177 | 193 | 209 | 225 | 241 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Green | 130 | 146 | 162 | 178 | 194 | 210 | 226 | 242 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Cyan | 131 | 147 | 163 | 179 | 195 | 211 | 227 | 243 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Red | 132 | 148 | 164 | 180 | 196 | 212 | 228 | 244 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Magenta | 133 | 149 | 165 | 181 | 197 | 213 | 229 | 245 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Brown | 134 | 150 | 166 | 182 | 198 | 214 | 230 | 246 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| TEXT Lt Gray | 135 | 151 | 167 | 183 | 199 | 215 | 231 | 247 | COLORS |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| Dk Gray | 136 | 152 | 168 | 184 | 200 | 216 | 232 | 248 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lt Blue | 137 | 153 | 169 | 185 | 201 | 217 | 233 | 249 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lt Green| 138 | 154 | 170 | 186 | 202 | 218 | 234 | 250 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lt Cyan | 149 | 155 | 171 | 187 | 203 | 219 | 235 | 251 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lt Red | 140 | 156 | 172 | 188 | 204 | 220 | 236 | 252 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lt Magen| 141 | 157 | 173 | 189 | 205 | 221 | 237 | 253 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Yellow | 142 | 158 | 174 | 190 | 206 | 222 | 238 | 254 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| White | 143 | 159 | 175 | 191 | 207 | 223 | 239 | 255 | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLORIZING PARTS OF THE TEXT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With this edition of XLSHOW, you may now highlight or colorize your titles, headings, and individual words. If you have never worked with ANSI escape sequences this may at first seem complicated. Rest assured, however, that it is more complicated to read about this subject than it is to add codes (ANSI sequences) for colorization. In a nutshell, to colorize a word or phrase, you must place the correct escape sequences before and after it. There are several ways of doing this. 1. Using a text editor Many text editors let you enter the "starting code" for colors. This code consists of the first two characters of an ANSI standard sequence. This is the ASCII Esc character, followed by a left bracket symbol. Although it is only two characters, it generally appears as a carat symbol followed by two left brackets like this: ^[[. If you simply type this it will not work, because the first symbol (^[) is really 'control + left bracket' which is made by holding - 5 - down the Ctrl key as you press the left bracket key. Try this with your text editor, and the symbol ^[ should appear. It may be necessary, first, to press Ctrl + P before pressing Ctrl + [. Once you get it to work, the rest of the code may be typed from the keyboard. The key pressed after ^[ must always be another (plain) left bracket symbol. For example, typing Ctrl + [ followed by [0;1;33;41m will result in ^[[0;1;33;41m. If you type a word after this, and finish with Ctrl + [ and [0m (which will appear as ^[[0m) the word will appear in yellow text on a red background when displayed. Text editors normally save a file in ASCII format (sometimes called DOS text save), and this is exactly the format needed. 2. Using a word processing program The directions for using a text editor are the same if you are using a word processing program, except, when you press "Ctrl + [" the result, on your screen, may not look like ^[. For example, when using the Windows Write program which is packaged with Microsoft Windows, the screen displays a small square. This is simply the word processor's shorthand to indicate the presence of a control character within the text. It is important to avoid using the word processor's "default save" when you are ready to save your file. Look for the option called "DOS Text" or "ASCII" and save your file with that option. In contrast to a text editor, a word processor's default save is not a DOS Text save. 3. Using block move ("cut and paste") Even though the codes are not very complicated, it is easy to make a mistake when typing a color code (ANSI escape sequence). For this reason, some people prefer to work with a pre-saved list of codes and block-move or "cut and paste" them into the text as they are needed. For example, you might have a list which looks like this: ^[[0;1;36;44m CYAN ON BLUE ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[33m YELLOW ON BLUE ^[[0m ^[[0;1;33;41m YELLOW ON RED ^[[0m Using the block move option of your word processor or text editor, you highlight, say, the "yellow on red" line and move it into your text at the desired spot. Then you would carefully delete the words "yellow on red" and type in the word or phrase you want to appear in that color combination. Not all text editors have block-move, but many do. All word processors have this feature. For a list of over 65 of the most useful codes, see pages 7 and 8. To view all the color combinations type COLORS [Enter] to run COLORS.BAT. Note: Do not block move (cut and paste) any codes from this document. These instructions were made to be printed on paper, and there are no actual ANSI escape sequences here. The file COLORS.DET contains actual codes. 4. Errors and omissions OK, so you typed an ANSI escape sequence, you ran the file, and no colors appeared. Or maybe you got colors, but not the right ones. Why? Probably you mistyped the code! It is very common to forget to include the "real" bracket which must always appear after the "^[" symbol. The code ^[[0 tells your computer you want color, but ^[0 does not! See the difference? Another common error is the omission of the letter "m" where it is supposed to appear in the - 6 - code. If the color continues beyond the words you want to colorize, check to make sure the sequence ^[[0m appears at the point you wish the color to stop. 5. Line length If no colors are employed, the number of characters per line must not exceed the line length. Using color codes will increase the number of characters in a line, with one exception: the code ^[ does not add any characters to the line. For example, the code ^[[0;1;33;41m adds only 11 characters, since ^[ is not counted. So, if you want a line to appear with yellow text on a red background, the number of text characters is reduced. Not only the current line, but all the following text in the document will be colorized, unless you "turn off the colors" by ending your colorized line with ^[[0m. This adds another three characters ([0m), so if it will make your line too long, place the color-stop code at the start of the following line. 6. Centering your text As a rule, it is best to confine your use of colors to a single word or brief phrase, used as a subject heading. Type your text and center it as shown here: FIRST SUBJECT Then place your cursor on the first letter and, using "insert" mode of your text editor, add your color code ... ^[[0;1;33;41;mFIRST SUBJECT^[[0m This method will automatically center your heading on the line. In the above example, the color begins with the letter F and ends with the last letter of the word "subject." If the background color is not the same as the overall background color in use, the appearance is improved if you leave a space before and after the text, like this ... ^[[0;1;33;41;m FIRST SUBJECT ^[[0m Remember: The code adds to the total number of characters on the line, but even though the text is moved to the right in your text editor, it will not appear shifted to the right when displayed. 7. Multiple colors used on one line If you want words or letters to appear in multiple colors, line length is limited because, although codes are invisible, they do add characters to text. Here is the word COLOR with each letter in a different combination of colors: ^[[1m^[[44^[[31mC^[[0;1;33;43mO^[[1m^[[44m^[[35mL^[[0;5;30;42mO^[[0;1;33;41mR Any attempt to add a differently colored sixth letter will lead to unwanted "word wrap" onto the next line. 9. Color Codes The following codes (ANSI escape sequences) will produce the colors listed when used in a file displayed with a HIGH INTENSITY BACKGROUND (6th No. of DET code must be 1). (If these are simply "typed to the screen" with an active ANSI - 7 - driver, some colors will not appear correct.) DOC.TXT is meant to be printed, and thus the escape code (^[) is simulated. If you want to block move (cut and paste) codes, use the file COLORS.DET which has true ANSI escape sequences. ^[[0;1;33;43m yellow on brown ^[[0m ^[[0;1;32;43m green on brown ^[[0m ^[[0;43m black on brown ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[40m^[[33m yellow on black ^[[0m ^[[0m^[[40m^[[32m green on black ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[40m^[[35m magenta on black ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[31m lt red on blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[32m green on blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[33m yellow on blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[35m magenta on blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[36m cyan on blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[44m^[[38m white on blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[5m^[[33m^[[44m yellow on light blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[5m^[[35m^[[44m magenta on light blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[5m^[[32m^[[44m green on light blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[5m^[[38m^[[44m white on light blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[5m^[[36m^[[44m cyan on light blue ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[5m^[[31m^[[44m lt.red on light blue ^[[0m ^[[0;1;33;41m yellow on red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;31;41m lt. red on red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;32;41m lt. green on red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;34;41m lt. blue on red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;35;41m magenta on red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;36;41m cyan on red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;37;41m white on red ^[[0m ^[[0;41m black on red ^[[0m ^[[5m^[[30m^[[41m black on lt. red ^[[0m ^[[5m^[[31m^[[41m red on lt. red ^[[0m ^[[5m^[[34m^[[41m blue on lt. red ^[[0m ^[[5m^[[35m^[[41m magenta on lt. red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;5;33;41m yellow on lt.red  ^[[5m^[[46m^[[30m black on cyan ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[42m^[[37m white on green ^[[0m ^[[0;42m black on green ^[[0m ^[[0;47m black on gray ^[[0m ^[[0;5;30;42m black on lt. green ^[[0m ^[[0;5;31;42m red on lt. green ^[[0m ^[[0;5;34;42m blue on lt. green ^[[0m ^[[0;5;35;42m magenta on lt. green ^[[0m ^[[1m^[[45m^[[33m yellow on magenta ^[[0m ^[[0;1;32;45m lt. green on magenta  ^[[0;1;36;45m lt. cyan on magenta  ^[[5m^[[30m^[[45m black on lt. magenta ^[[0m ^[[0;5;31;47m red on white  ^[[0;5;34;47m blue on white  ^[[0;5;35;47m magenta on white ^[[0m ^[[0;5;33;47m brown on white ^[[0m ^[[0;5;30;43m black on yellow ^[[0m ^[[0;5;31;43m red on yellow ^[[0m ^[[0;5;32;43m green on yellow ^[[0m ^[[0;5;33;43m brown on yellow ^[[0m ^[[0;5;34;43m blue on yellow ^[[0m ^[[0;5;35;43m magenta on yellow ^[[0m - 8 - ^[[0;5;36;43m cyan on yellow ^[[0m ^[[0;5;37;43m gray on yellow ^[[0m The following codes will produce text in the named colors without changing the background color. The background color of the newsletter will remain as the background color of the text. ^[[0;30m black ^[[0m ^[[0;31m red ^[[0m ^[[0;1;31m lt. red ^[[0m ^[[0;32m green ^[[0m ^[[0;33m brown ^[[0m ^[[0;34m blue ^[[0m ^[[0;35m magenta ^[[0m ^[[0;36m cyan ^[[0m ^[[0;37m gray ^[[0m ^[[0;1;33;38m white ^[[0m ^[[0;1;33;36m lt. cyan ^[[0m ^[[0;1;33;35m lt. magenta ^[[0m To view the above colors in all their beauty, run the file COLORS.BAT by typing COLORS and pressing the Enter/Return key. PAGE NUMBERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want page numbers to appear, as they do in BULLETIN.DET, subtract 1 from the first number of the DET code. If you want to use BULLETIN.DET with no page numbers, add 1 to the first number. UNDERLINES, STARS FACES AND HANDS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To underline a word, use the carat symbol (^) exatly as you see it used under the heading of this section. When the file is displayed the carats will be replaced with a line. If you have text directly beneath the words you want to underline, there is no room for an underline. To place a five pointed star in your text use the tilde symbol (~). Create a smiling face with {} and use the symbols #<> for a pointing hand. USING MORE THAN ONE TEXT FONT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The demo illustrates the use of Old English, through the use of SMOOTHOL.COM, but in the demo you must press Esc before SMOOTHOL is activated. If you want to use more than one font style in your continuous-running display, it is possible to do so. Run GO2.BAT by typing GO2 [Enter] and you will see this idea in action. The trick lies in asking XLSHOW to use a false DEB file named NONESUCH.DEB, for which there is no corresponding DET. Examine GO2.BAT to see how to use this trick in a batch file of your own making. CUSTOM TITLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want custom-made titles along the lines of DIGITALINK, 3D VIEW, DAILY WORD, and CORNPUTIN', order them when you send in your registration. Simply use these as examples, decide which lettering style and color combination you want, and put your descriptions on a sheet of paper enclosed with your regis- tration form. The cost of each custom title is only $60.00. For each custom title ordered you will receive a separate "ready-to-use" DEB/DET module. - 9 - YOUR RIGHTS TO COPY AND USE THIS PROGRAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The compressed file containing XL-SHOW.EXE may be copied and distributed freely, posted on BBSs, listed in shareware catalogs and on CD ROM disks, as long as all files are included. You may use XL-SHOW.EXE and its accompanying files on a trial basis for 30 days. After that time you must discontinue use until you become a registered user. See the registration form below for information on obtaining a license for use of the program. REGISTERING XL-SHOW.EXE and ORDERING AUTOFONT.EXE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To register your program and order the jumbo font creating program AutoFont, fill out the registration form and send it, with your check or money order to Rexxcom Systems at the address given. If ordering from a country other than the United States of America, you MUST pay by a check drawn on a bank which has offices in the U.S.A., or by International Money Order. If you send cash, be sure to send your order by registered mail, signed receipt requested. USE OF WILD CARDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So called wild card symbols (* and ?) may be used in the batch file, as you may have noticed in GO.BAT where the files READ1.DET, READ2.DET and READ3.DET were indicated with "READ?". The question mark tells the program to load all files with 5-letter names which begin with "READ". If a single asterisk is used in place of a list of file names (as: XL-SHOW *) the program will cycle repeatedly through the modules in the order in which the DEBs appear in the directory. NOTE: This will fail to work if the file NONESUCH.DEB is present. KEYBOARD LOCK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press the F3 function key to lock the keyboard. This will prevent onlookers from interfering with the program while it is running. Pressing F3 a second time will unlock the keyboard. (Press F1 to display a help box of available commands.) DISCLAIMER ~~~~~~~~~~ All Rexxcom Systems programs are provided "as is" with no warranties whatsoever either expressed or implied, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or a particular hardware system. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the programs rests with the user. Use of the software implies acceptance of this disclaimer. You may leave EMail with questions on CompuServe or GEnie at the following addresses: CompuServe: 72656,2764 GEnie: C.WIEDEMANN REXXCOM SYSTEMS P.O. BOX 111 SCHOOLEYS MTN., NJ 07870 XL-SHOW REGISTRATION FORM """"""""""""""""""""""""" Register me as an XLSHOW user, and send me the following software: Quantity Software Fee Subtotal ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ________ REGISTERED XL-SHOW.EXE SOFTWARE 19.95 ________ Includes the following: Registered Program + More DEB/DET modules Registration includes a license to use XL-SHOW for NON- COMMERCIAL USE for 5 years. Includes use at club meetings, churches and synagogues, etc. ________ COMMERCIAL LICENSE 60.00 ________ (For businesses, schools, government agencies) Commercial license permits use of XL-SHOW at one store, shop, office, library, hospital, clinic, school, trade-show, or other commercial, educational or government facility, for 1 year. (Licensing fee for multiple facility usage on request.) ________ CUSTOM MADE TITLE SOFTWARE 60.00 ________ (DEB/DET FILE SETS) Include sketch and desired wording and colors on a separate sheet. ________ ADD FOR PROFESSIONAL AUTOFONT.EXE 29.95 ________ Highly Recommended ________ Add if you use 3.5" disks 1.OO ________ Subtotal ________ Sales Tax (NJ Adresses) ________ Shipping & Handling ________ ($4.OO U.S.A. and Canada) ($1O.OO elsewhere) Total Enclosed ________ Non-U.S.A. orders MUST be paid by INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER or bank check drawn on a bank with OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES. Payment must accompany all orders. Name: _________________________________________ Company if any: _________________________________________ Street Address: _________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________ Area code and Phone: _________________________________________ Mail to: REXXCOM Systems P.O. Box 111 Schooleys Mt., NJ 07870